Friday, July 20, 2012

Review: Freeing Carter

Freeing Carter
Freeing Carter by Nyrae Dawn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I finished this book more than 24 hours ago, and I still cannot figure out what to write for this review. I try really hard to never include spoilers, and this book is so good i do not want to spoil anything for anyone that has yet to read it.

Yet it is so hard to find a way to explain how darn good, how important, how real, and how heart-rending this book actually is without doing so. If you have substance abuse issues, if someone in your family does, if a friend does, you need to read this book. If you love stories that as real as your own, read this book.

Ms., Dawn had already written two wonderful books, and I was already impressed with her talent. This book ups things to an entirely different level. I've found a lot of good authors on Goodreads, but there are four who should be internationally famous. Nyrae Dawn, Tamarra Webber, Stephanie Campbell, and Collen Hoover may all be classified as Young Adult Fiction, but in reality they are writing some of the best modern literature in the world today. Great stories that contains great truths. Books that can and will change lives. This book is one of those.

Spoiler Warning: A Quote from the book that rings like a bell in my consciousness.

"People think alcoholics are violent. They don't hold down jobs or they're out drinking every night. No offense to the people who believe that, but they don't know jack. Sometime, people do it to DEAL. Because fate sat down and decided, 'Hey, let's see how much shit we can throw at this person before they break.' Before all the skinned knees and bruised limbs keep them from getting up after one last fall."

Nyrae Dawn from FREEING CARTER

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