Monday, February 25, 2013

Review: Flyaway

Flyaway by Helen Landalf

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I'm giving this one 3.5, wasn't quite a 4 star book, but was certainly more than a 3.

A sad story of a young girl dealing with a mother who has a lot of problems of her own. I can't go too far into it without giving away serious plot points. As I finished it, I was not real happy with the end, but after thinking for a few moments I decided it was real, and right.

My biggest suggestions to the author would be develop your characters a little more. The female MC was quite well done, her mom a little less, and then down the line. The male characters were mostly just empty shells with a few interesting things knwon about them, but none of them ever developed. I'd suggest that Ms Landalf read some [a:Nyrae Dawn|5784345|Nyrae Dawn|] to see how a master at writing male characters does it.

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