Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Review: Nowhere But Home

Nowhere But Home
Nowhere But Home by Liza Palmer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Several of my friends on Goodreads added this to their TBR's the other day and I read the blurb and thought it sounded worth the read. Boy was I right. I simply loved this book. As someone who made his living as a chef, and who had bounced around a bit with a broken heart when I was younger, the author gets everything right. The feel of working with the food, the feelings of worthlessness, and the hardening of the heart, trying to feel nothing to keep the pain away. Everything was on the mark. You really care about the main character, and she and all the others in this book are well drawn, complex, and believable.

I had trouble putting this book down, and was sad when I finished, though I loved the ending. I am going to get this authors entire catalog now because this was really flawless.

View all my reviews

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