Sunday, June 3, 2012

Review: I'm Yours

I'm Yours
I'm Yours by Lindsay Paige

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The second installment in the story of Jake and Emily. This book in many ways reminds my of one of my all time favorite lyrics. John Lennon once sang in his amazing song BEAUTIFUL BOY (DARLING BOY), "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Well in this book that hits Jake and Emily right in the face like cream pies from the cosmic stooges.

In a book that is often even more emotionally wrenching than in SWEETNESS you come to know the players better, and see them grow in love and in life. Once again I do not want to put any spoilers here so I will suffice it to say that I once again found the people and situations to be realistic and believable. In fact Emily reminds me so strongly of my first love that it almost hurts sometimes to read the books.

My biggest critique of this book would be that once again it could use just a touch of polish. Not at all surprising given the youth of the author, and it doesn't detract meaningfully from the strong story-line and even stronger characters.

In summation I will say that I will be buying the third installment on June 13, 2012 when it becomes available. I recommend you read this series too if you are at all interested in quality Young Adult fiction.

View all my reviews

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